Here and Everywhere

“You know… it’s Christmas here too. It’s Christmas everywhere.

What can we do when the thing we long for feels far away from where we are?

Theo wants nothing more than to get home to his family to celebrate Christmas among the people and traditions he loves, but when his bus breaks down late on Christmas Eve he realizes that this holiday won’t look anything like the one he planned. He has a choice to make: let the moment be ruined or look for a little bit of Christmas in the least likely of places. From among the other stranded passengers, Theo finds a few who help him assemble a makeshift Christmas right where they are. While it may not be the celebration any of them hoped for, it just might be exactly the one that some of them need.

During a season that promises peace, hope, and joy, it’s common to feel a sense of tension when our high hopes don't align with the reality we experience. Whether it's the perfect family gathering we imagine, the ideal gifts we wish to receive, or a broken world we long to see fixed, the gap between our expectations and reality can leave us feeling disappointed. Here and Everywhere encourages us to be a part of bringing our hopes to the here and now, looking not just toward a destination, but embracing the journey, surprises, and people who travel this life alongside us.


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