Sounds That Speak

Sometimes I hear a song, and I think, That’s it! That’s exactly it. That’s how I feel.

Have you ever had that experience when a song begins to play and somehow the lyrics or the melody manage to say what you’ve not quite been able to say? Sometimes a song can express ideas we didn’t know we were thinking or emotions we didn’t realize we were feeling. Sometimes sounds can speak for us.

Scripture tells us that the Spirit does the same, but with a power well beyond that of any song.

The Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. 
Romans 8:26-27

The Spirit knows our thoughts and emotions more thoroughly than we do, knows the prayers we wish we could pray. In those moments when joy, gratitude, confusion, disappointment, or grief leave us at a loss for words, the Spirit steps in and makes sounds that speak. 


The Wilderness


Orange Juice